Home » Veranstaltung » THE ART OF RELATING – belonging & becoming – Intensive for Transparent Communication Training Group 2016/2017 Modul 1

THE ART OF RELATING – belonging & becoming – Intensive for Transparent Communication Training Group 2016/2017 Modul 1

A Journey in Consciousness in Four Modules

For four weekends, we will go on a journey together: We will explore the art of relating on different levels and follow our longing for deeper intimacy with life.

BELONGING & BECOMING – Fully arriving and belonging & more and more becoming who we really are and walking our own path – these two forces are important fundamental pillars of a healthy life. Everybody needs to feel safe and protected amongst other people. Only then, there is space for flourishing and maturing. To allow the dance between these two aspects brings out the beauty of our deepest humanity.

This training is meant for all who feel that great longing to deeper relate with life. We warmly invite all who wish to live in a culture of relating with each other that, beyond personal concepts and habits, is anchored in an alignment to something much bigger.

Modul 1

Belonging – In My Past.

How fully did I land in my life? How much did we experience a feeling of security and belonging in our childhood? And what are the intelligent strategies we developed to compensate for any lack we might have experienced?

This training will be in German with English translations.

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Date(s) - Freitag 28. Oktober 2016 - Sonntag 30. Oktober 2016

Tao Zentrum, Freiburg

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